Friday, 20 July 2007

Can't wait 'til midnight

I wonder if the Mail on Sunday will be giving away free copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows this weekend?
PS: More free copies here, when you buy books!


Tim F said...


dobby dies

bye bye bellulah said...

OMG, tell me about it! Right up there with the death of Little Nell!

Anonymous said...

I waited till midnight but then I turned into a pumpkin, so that was that.

Neal said...

I've heard of this Harry guy, seems like he's getting popular these days. Maybe I'll check out one of those books someday, though I'm a bit lazy for reading....have they made a movie of any of them yet?

bye bye bellulah said...

btw Tim, thanks for the considerate spoiler alert. I did venture onto the boards part way through reading and when I saw there was a comment here, I put my hand over the screen and wiggled my fingers to see if I could work out whether it was a spoiler post or not.
I like to live on the very edge.

nick, I realised I could wait 'til midnight after all, in fact I could wait 'til 10am the next day, but going to bed on Friday night did feel like Christmas Eve.

neal, he's very poplier. They've made films of the first 5 (4 on DVD 1 still showing at the cinema).